ksks is the Kodak Service program, a utility program that can be used from the command line to perform various operations, most notably downloading image files from the camera. |
Configuring ksTo find your camera, ks needs three configuration parameters: the device the camera is plugged into, the type of device, and, for serial ports, the rate at which to talk to the camera.
export ODSDEVICE=/dev/ttyS2 export ODSRATE=115200Because I use a normal serial device, I don't have to specify the device type. An equivalent configuration, specified from the command-line is: ks -d /dev/ttyS2 -r 115200 Configuring via environment variables is recommended because the settings are automatically inherited by ks from the shell, so the command-line settings can be omitted. However, if both environment and command-line options are used, the command-line options take precedence. Please use ks -h for extra help, and ks -l for supported commands. |
Using ksThe utility program is invoked as follows: ks [ options ] command [ ... ] Valid ks options are:
Valid ks commands are:
Download DisplayWhile downloading pictures from the camera, ks prints text similar to the following: Executing command: download 1 file in camera... p0002346.jpg: size = 353666 ...x...........x..... Each '.' indicates successful transmission of a protocol block of data, about 20K in size. Each 'x' indicates an I/O error in downloading a block; these blocks are retried by ks until all blocks are correctly received. |
Viljo Hakala /
Last modified: Sun Jan 30 23:18:13 PST 2000